When the last glaciers retreated from North America about 10,000 years ago, they left behind not only the cold, clear waters of Geneva Lake, but also beautiful terrain that had been deeply carved. The ravine on the west side of the WLC property is a remnant of that ancient process, and one of the most important ecological elements of the site’s 8.6-acre landscape.
Stretching from the top of the property down to water’s edge, the ravine provides a natural pathway to explore and enjoy nature. Our design teams—Studio Gang and OLIN—have carefully crafted designs that will invite visitors to “take a walk in the woods” here. A gently twisting boardwalk will traverse the ravine for 986 feet, from WLC buildings down to Geneva Lake, weaving its way among existing trees to create a unique visual experience that will change with every season. In addition, the boardwalk will be fully ADA compliant to support people at many levels of mobility.
In all our work for the Center, we’ve been guided by a commitment to restore the entire property to a high-quality southeast Wisconsin woodland, reflecting the values of the Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy and Williams Bay.